Safar Publications
Islamic Studies 5: Teacher's Guide - Learn About Islam Series
Safar Schemes of Work (SoW) covers all teaching aspects and textbook material in a detailed manner for both Key Stage 1 and 2. From suggesting learning objectives, differentiated learning outcomes to detailed explanations of activities. Using the SoW is the easiest, time-efficient and the most effective way of planning and teaching the Safar Islamic Studies primary series syllabus.
Safar Schemes of Work contain brief details about the contents of the lessons to act as a quick snapshot of what is to be covered. Also, to ensure that the syllabus is taught in a holistic manner, we have included links to previous learning activities/experiences where a subject or theme is revisited or extended, which is vital in facilitating students to consolidate their knowledge and learn coherently rather than simply learn through a fragmentary manner.
Using the textbooks, workbooks and schemes of work, the teacher is able to ensure that teaching is dynamic, focused and clearly thought out; thus ensuring that the learning experience for the child is maximized as much as possible as well as coherent, reinforced and systematic.
Developed with both teacher and student input, Safar Schemes of Work employ not only tried and tested methods but also utilize theoretical frameworks such as Bloom’s taxonomy of learning objectives whilst keeping in mind activities suited to all three main types of learners: visual, auditory and kinaesthetic.
Safar Publications provides a robust and comprehensive curriculum to equip learners with the necessary knowledge and tools to develop a deep-rooted love and relationship with Islam. Through learning, understanding and embodying the Quran and Sunnah, users of Safar's curriculum learn to fulfill their religious rites and duties in an informed manner. And through a focus on personal development, they grow to make moral choices and decisions as confident Muslims living in a globalized and modern world.
PART OF A CURRICULUM - Islamic Studies series is that it is part of a curriculum composed of four parts, which cross-link with each other. The other three parts being Tajwīd, Memorisation and Arabic.
CUMULATIVE KNOWLEDGE - The series aims to cumulatively build children’s essential Islamic knowledge, cultivate good character and instill God-consciousness.
CORE SUBJECTS - Elements from all core subjects are covered in this book: Qurʾānic stories, Islamic tenets of faith (ʿaqīdah), religious rulings (fiqh) and major episodes from the life of Prophet Muḥammad, as well as areas of personal development, in an age-appropriate manner.
EXTENSIVE REFERENCES - All textbooks contain extensive references from the Qurʾān and aḥādīth and all stories are always built only on material from Qurʿān and ḥadīth.
FULLY ILLUSTRATED - The full color and illustrated editions have been developed to ensure that it is enjoyable for children as well as being comprehensive and reliable.
CLEAR LESSONS - Special attention has been given to ensure that the content is not only relevant to children but that the lessons and morals are also comprehendible and engaging for each age category.
CUMULATIVE LEARNING PATH - All books in the series follow a cumulative learning path; a solid practical knowledge base is built before theoretical concepts are added and expanded upon.
SCHEMES OF WORK - Each textbook comes with schemes of work and also has a workbook with two tiers of assessment, based on Bloom’s Taxonomy of learning objectives.
PRACTICAL LESSONS - Practical lessons have been clearly marked to ensure that different learning modes are utilized during teaching
CLEAR THEMES - To ensure gradual and logical progression, textbook lessons have been grouped into themes as well as containing Safar’s own week structures.
REINFORCED LEARNING - Central elements, such as God-consciousness and manners are constantly revisited throughout the series to ensure broadening of knowledge as well as reinforced learning.
REVISION - All the textbooks contain sections dedicated to core revision as well as revising key concepts and content from the previous year.
ACCOMPANYING WORKBOOKS - Workbooks have questions designed to encourage thought, expression and connection with the teaching material.
Safar publications are based on traditional Islamic sources and understanding and are also shaped by effective educational theories and practices. Most importantly, they are a result of practical feedback from students and teachers across the world, including our very own staff and students at Safar Academy. One of our core values is seeking perfection and quality; because of this, our curriculum and comprehensive support services are continually improved and refined, ensuring that we stay ahead of the curve and meet the needs of learners and educators in today’s ever-changing world.
Our curriculum and extensive teacher support services privilege the art of learning and teaching in a holistic, contextual and student-centered manner. Furthermore, the curriculum includes the learning of key Muslim values, skills and attitudes, such as God-consciousness, respect, tolerance and mercy for all life. It also aims to give learners the skills to live and build healthy relationships with others in furthering the common good. Through such a values-based approach, learners can grow to realize their full potential and play an active role as Muslims in their communities and wider society.
About Safar Publications
Safar Publications is part of Safar Academy Trust, an Islamic supplementary school with branches across the South East of the UK founded by Shaykh Hasan Ali in 1998. Safar Publications is a growing publishing arm of the trust, and through this dedicated and distinct service, we aim to create the best and most innovative tools to meet the learning needs of today’s students, particularly in Islamic education.
Safar Publications has developed and honed its curriculum over the last 20 years. The curriculum is structured into four distinct syllabuses, all aimed at giving learners a firm foundation in their Quranic reading and understanding, Islamic knowledge, spiritual development and in grasping the Arabic language. Our curriculum includes Qāidah, Tajwid, Juz Amma (Learn to Read Series), Duas and Surahs (Learn by Heart Series), Islamic Studies (Learn about Islam Series) and Arabic (Learn Arabic Series) related publications. All our publications contain many innovative features and interconnections, to ensure students learn in an engaging, steady and coherent fashion.
Paperback: 70 pages
Publisher: Safar Publications
Language: English
Design & Development: Muhammad Muhibul Haq, Muhammad Ahmed & Ahdeeb Khatib
Editors: Hasan Ali & Hashim Uddin
ISBN: 978-1912437054
Dimensions: 11.75 x 8.5 x 0.3 Inches