He intended to enroll in Bob Jones University, a world-renowned Bible College in his hometown upon graduating high school, but in the summer of 1996, his life changed. Upon studying the bible from cover to cover and realizing many things were askew, and a lot of what he believed his entire life was not in line with what his research found, he left Christianity and went in search of the truth. After many twist and turns, ups and downs and after looking at the many world religions searching for the tangible proof of the right way of life he encountered a Muslim, and was given a Qur’an. After reading the Qur’an cover to cover he accepted Islam in the winter of 1998.
Yusha (Joshua) Evans Currently travels the globe as a lecturer and caller to Islam, as well as teaching workshops that have taken him all across the globe. He has been pivotal in establishing Islamic television stations in North America as well has appeared on many Islamic stations throughout the world. He has been pivotal in the call to Islam and bringing people to the faith, as well as bringing non-practicing Muslims back to the religion globally for over a decade
He has studied under numerous teachers and scholars in the various sciences of Islam and is a Psychology major. He holds both a bachelor's and master's degree in the field of Islamic sciences with a specialty in Da’wah (Islamic propagation) He is currently pursuing his doctorate under the tutelage of Shaykh Waleed Al-Menesse, one of the worlds foremost Scholars in the Qur’an and its various sciences.
Yusha currently runs an online gaming community called MGL (Muslim gamers league) with thousands of youth interacting in a family-friendly moderated environment and has a very active streaming community on Twitch.
He also is a multiple discipline Black belt holder and has ran martial arts academies in the past.